Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Jazz, Sushi, and Cartoon Rappers

Sometimes a full-blown concert's too much for the middle of the week, even for a seasoned pro like Fats (professional what, I don't know). Last week, I spent Hump Day at Dada, which was surprisingly absent of music most of the night. Of course, there are plenty of places that aim for middle ground -- where you can hear live music AND the conversation you're trying to have (assuming the other party's interested in your bar babble). That's why there are places like the Lounge (517 Clematis St., West Palm Beach). Tonight and every Wednesday features some expertly experimental jazz, courtesy of PHLAT-9 (AKA, the Robert Goodman Band). If you haven't been to the Lounge in the past six months or so (or ever, for that matter), don't be surprised if you see a plate or three of sushi being consumed. It is, after all, a "sushi and sake bar" these days. And to think my band Billy Boloby used to play there. I guess you could say we were the wasabi that spiced things up (or made people gag, as it were).

True, Thursdays at the Lounge are a little more happenin', with regular sets by the People Upstairs, Aquaphonics, and Doorway 27. But that's a whole day away.

Then again, there's also the MC Chris show at the Culture Room tonight. For insight into the mind of this cartoony geek-hopper, check out this amusingly sharp interview he did with my colleague, Deirdra Funcheon. And while you're at it, check out the rest of her blog, Vitamin D. She knows what's going on around these parts -- and can give you a pretty accurate surf report too.


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