Thursday, November 02, 2006

Paint It, Red

In the off chance you saw the 1998 cult film, Six-String Samurai, you’re familiar with the music of the Red Elvises. Oh, wait… it’s 2006. That means in addition to the film, you might’ve seen or at least heard of the group’s many visits to South Florida they’ve made in the past several years -- like last night’s show at Alligator Alley or tonight’s show at the Bamboo Room. So if that’s the case, you know what to expect from these California-by-way-of-Siberia hepcats: high-energy surf/rockabilly that balances the kitsch and the cool. The photo pretty much says it all. And what it doesn’t say, the band’s live show does. I’m talking about the f word here, and I don’t mean the four-letter one (read: fun). So get on this Russian rocket before it takes off, back to the Left Coast (where all the reds live, right?).


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