Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Roxanne's Gets Schooled

When I was finishing up this week's column about the Breaks, the weekly hip-hop night at Roxanne's on Main, I had to scratch mention of tonight's scheduled Edo G & Special Teams/Cali Agents/Sean Price show. It turns out the Florida leg of their tour got the ax. Imagine that, huh? Anyway, the show itself was never canceled; it was left to local boys like Unified Styles to pick up the slack. But then a funny thing happened on the way to the recent KRS-One concert at I/O -- the "Teacher" himself agreed to come down for a set. That means tonight. KRS-One. Roxanne's. Yeah. The show's held courtesy of Lexicon, Dialectic Records, UG Science, and the Basement State. Admission costs ten bucks for those of legal drinking age. The first 25 peeps get a free copy of DJ Unemployed's Will Scratch For Food.


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